Saturday, December 28, 2019

Style of the Progressive Government Speech Free Essay Example, 2000 words

In the speech, his argumentation begins with finding out the question of the role of a political government. He hits right at the crux of the problem of the question of the responsibility of the popular government in the following sentences, The issue of government has always been whether individual men and women will have to serve some system of government of economics, or whether a system of government and economics exists to serve individual men and women. (Roosevelt, 1932, p. 100) Through these sentences, he foreshadows the subject of his speech and allows enough time spans for his audience to mull over the topics. Even prior to such foreshowing, he prepared a neutral vantage point for his speech in order to win the credibility of his audience. In this regard, the particular sentence-structures helped him more than his diction. For example, he asserts, I want to speak not of politics but of government. I want to speak not of parties, but of universal principles. (Roosevelt, 1932, p. 97) So through these sentences, he ensures enough scope for himself to convince his audience the fact that what he wants to present is not the blame-game of politics, rather what he wants to present is something universal. We will write a custom essay sample on Style of the Progressive Government Speech or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Again, negative-affirmation is present in the following sentence in which he agrees with his friend but with a but . Indeed such but provoke the audience to think in favor of the orator: Some of my friends tell me that they do not want the Government in business. With this, I agree, but I wonder whether they realize the implications of the past.

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