Friday, December 20, 2019
The Legacy Of The United States - 925 Words
It was a time of extremes for most, uncertainty, poverty and worry. The United States was in a depression. Many factors resulted in the stock market crash of 1929; however, the outcome was universal. People were without homes, Unemployment soared and most could not provide the necessities for the survival of their families. The depression affected social and cultural aspects of the American life. In times of such crisis, the public can only look for a savior. America looked to their leaders to save them. The leader at the time was Hebert Hoover. He would have to save the country from its downfall. There were two presidents in Depression Era United States. One that had inherited the country in a seemingly prosperous time and the other credited with its recovery. Hoover has a place in history known for his failures at bringing the country back to its former glory. However, this is an impartial view. He worked diligently to restore a very broken system. We want to see a nation built of home-owners and farm owners,†¦We want to see them in steady jobs. We want them all secure. I have no fears for the future of our country. It is bright with hope.†. (Teitelbaum, 2002) From his inaugural speech, it was clear that he was optimistic about the future of the country; hope for prosperity and success. However, there were fissures in the economy that would soon open and cast a shadow over his entire presidency. The Roaring Twenties had been a time of prosperity for many Americans. â€Å"InShow MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of The United States847 Words  | 4 PagesIn the United States there is a long history of failure to provide every young citizen of this country with a good education. While there has been revolutionary advances to give every child their best possible chance to get an education; the same cannot be said about the quality of the education given to each child. 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